
Tuesday 19 August 2014

Museum Trip

Museum Trip 

Yesterday room 5, room 7, and room 8 went on a trip to the museum. When we first got there I was excited because we were first introduced to three people. Then we had to carry on and design our own tapa. The first step it to get a board that is carve already that has a pattern and then get a paper and get a crayon then rub it flat all over so you can see it with lines all over. 

After when we finished from our session  we went to the gallery. We went to the side were the big map was and we learn about it. The things that I learn about was that all the pacific countries are Cook island, Tahiti, Hawaii, South Island, North Island, Rarotonga. 

My favourite part was when my group went into the room were the volcano happened because it shows that some people countries will end and some people countries won't end. Also the part that was interesting was when I saw all the endangered birds, a weta, a couple of spiders, mostly dinosaurs.


1 comment:

  1. I really liked the endangered birds. I didn't really like the wetas!!
