This is my DLO that I have created with my group. I have been working with Misshan and Mere. We as group had to create this to show the reader why the bus strike can effect the public community. This is based on how Auckland had a bus strike in the Auckland City. Our learning Intention is to identify the 5'ws of a Current Event, we had to think about the 2 point of views clearly so that it was a correct statement.
This is an Link to the Article.
Great work Mere, Mishaan and Evelyn. You have clearly explained the Auckland bus strikes using the 5Ws. You have also explained the point of views of the public and the bus drivers and used the word 'because' to help you. I like that you have thought of a different point of view than what the class had discussed - the families of bus drivers would definitely be affected by the bus strikes. Next time when writing about the point of views, include a word that describes how they are feeling, like angry or unhappy. Well done girls!